There is a intriguing written with singular signs (see fig.all.) where together with known signifiers, such as the recent Latin ‘rs’, much less known alphabetic letters belonging to the nuragic system alternate with pictographic letters (the protome taurina, the so-called Tanit, the serpent) and schematic letters such as the ‘he’ with a horizontal stroke agglutinated with the ‘Yod’ with a vertical stroke, with the lunate ‘he’. It can be seen immediately that the mix leads to dating the parietal inscription, given the Latin letters, to the 4th or 3rd century BC. The ‘document’ therefore appears to our eyes composed with the same ‘modus scribendi’ of other nuragic documents of the 10th or 9th century BC. thus offering us a fundamental fact: that, which we have explained many times, of the continuity of the singular writing of the nuragics. Of its obvious conservativeness. In short, the nuragic scribes (priests) continued for centuries and centuries to use alphabetic signs of different types and from different periods.

We would be happy for friends to talk about every single sign and also say something about its meaning regarding ‘RA’ or the solar disk, if you prefer. Above all speaking of the complex sign of the serpent or letter ‘nun’ (enne) which, together with the Roman r, forms one of the most frequent voices of the Semitic of the sacred writing of the nuragics, namely ‘NR / L’. For the sake of brevity we are forced to consider and treat only the letter of the so-called protosinaitic acrophonic alphabet which appears as a betilino with two horns on the sides. Now, the sign is known and is found in the repertoires of the protosinaitic but today scholars have not been able to understand what precise meaning it has. Is it a ‘beth’? A ‘gimel’? A ‘shin’? It is not known. I think of a ‘beth’ because it follows the pictographic letter ‘aleph’ thus perhaps giving the meaning of ‘ab’ and that is ‘father’. Who knows! In any case, the amazing thing is that we have an inscription from the 4th – 3rd century AD. C. and an alphabetic consonant letter from the 16th – 15th century BC. That is, a letter of a thousand years and more before! Now, apart from the paleographic aspect, what strikes us is the perfect knowledge of the oriental alphabets (Protosinaitic, Gublitic, Proto-Cananic, Ugaritic, Archaic Phoenician) by the island scribes. This means only one thing: that we must imagine scribes (perhaps from Tharros or the holy city of Monte ‘e Prama) who had rich and always up-to-date alphabetical repertoires, composed on skins or other materials, from which to draw and so to be able to form the favorite mix. That mix that made it possible above all to proceed by writing a rebus, in a completely obscure and enigmatic way. Because the writing that touched the divinity (generally noted with a simple ‘He’) had to remain ‘sacred’, that is, intangible, not legible except for those involved in sacred things. In Oristano, kept and clearly visible in the ‘Arborense Museum’, there is a plaque with a single strongly oblique line of writing (see the second annex). Archaeologists believe it to be from the 3rd century AD and thought it was written in Hebrew. No: it is ‘nuragic’, written in a mix, rebus, with alphabetic signs, only consonants, and three different languages: Nuragic, Latin and Etruscan Semitic: NL / Y SLT CLN (the light of Y (h) for the salvation of son). Think about it: a tomb of Tharros that still shows a nuragic inscription, with the characteristic way of writing about them, of at least 1000 (a thousand) years earlier. Strange all this. Strange because the scientific world states with ‘tranquility’ (sic!) That the nuragics have not known and used any type of writing! This ‘world’ is really crazy.
